東芝キヤリア社会・環境報告書 2013年

東芝キヤリアグループは、2009年度から国内の主要3拠点で生物多様性保全活動を展開してきました。国内最大の製造拠点である富士事業所では、「富士山こどもの国」での植樹や自然観察会の実施に加え、2012年11月に事業所内にビオトープを完成させました。また、自然豊かな津山事業所や掛川事業所では、さまざまな生物が生息し、すでにビオトープが形成されています。今後さらに、これらの自然を観察保護しながら、各事業所に適した生物多様性保全活動を実施していき、地球内企業として自然と調和した企業活動を推進します。富士事業所では、地域の大学生との協働による「小学生の環境マップづくり」を実施しました。当事業所の環境活動を紹介するだけでなく、コミュニケーションを大切に、地域の子どもたちが成長していく中で、企業の環境活動に興味をもってもらえるように工夫しました。また、今回地元の企業や活動グループと生物多様性保全活動に関して座談会を開催し、地域の連携について話し合いました。企業活動を通じて、少しでも地域の皆さまに活力をお届けできることを考えていきます。また、企業活動の全ステージにおいて、東芝キヤリアグループが提供する商品やサービスにかかわる多くの皆さまのご協力をいただきながら、グループ全員が一丸となって、より良い環境調和型製品を提供していきます。September, 2013 Akira InoueThe Toshiba Carrier Group not only provides efficient and comfortable air-conditioning but also premium-quality products and services for industrial and agricultural applications that embody our advanced applied thermal solutions to help reduce carbon dioxide emissions from energy use. Our focus is on a shift in the sources of energy from fossil fuels to renewable energy sources using heat pump technology. Acknowledging the significance of corporate social responsibility (CSR), the Toshiba Carrier Group endeavors to contribute to the preservation of the local and global environment while at the same time meeting diverse customer needs. Our commitment is to evolve globally, focusing on environmental innovation.The Toshiba Carrier Group has continually released many one-of-a-kind products and those which provide world’s highest environmental performance. Certified by Toshiba as “Excellent Environmentally Conscious Products (ECPs)”, these products deliver outstanding solutions for energy saving, global warming, efficient use of natural resources, and management of hazardous chemical substances. We have released 16 ECP-certified products as of 2012, which now comprise over 40% of our net sales. Furthermore, we are also committed to minimizing environmental load produced from our manufacturing activities. We will continue to deliver “Excellent ECPs” targeting Japanese market, as well as those tailored to local needs and preferences around the world. We will reach out to the world by offering our premium products manufactured at our factories around the world with minimal environmental burden.Since 2009, three operation center of the Toshiba Carrier Group have been engaged in biodiversity conservation activities. At the Fuji Operation Center, we have been promoting tree-planting campaigns and nature observation events. In November 2012, the Fuji Operation Center created a biotope within its premises. The Tsuyama and Kakegawa Operation Centers are richly endowed with nature, surrounded by forests that abound with various forms of life forming biotopes. While continuing with the observation and preservation of nature, we will, at all operation centers, pursue biodiversity-sound activities to conduct business in harmony with nature because nature conservation is a grave responsibility for corporate citizens of the planet Earth.The Fuji Operation Center collaborated with local university students in holding a fieldwork session for elementary school students in which they drew habitat maps. It also held round-table meetings with local companies and action groups to discuss how best we can cooperate on biodiversity conservation. We wish to consider community engagement to become a source of vitality for local people through our business activities. We also wish to solicit cooperation from all people who are involved in all stages of our business activities and join forces with them to bring better ECP products and services to those who need them.地球内企業として生物多様性の保全を通じて自然と調和した企業活動を推進します地域社会との連携を考えながらグループ一丸となった活動を展開しますe Toshiba Carrier Group will continue to evolve globally, focusing on its commitment to environmental innovation力争成为全球化的环保企业2013年9月ローバルに成長していきます2東芝キヤリアグループ 社会・環境報告書 2013

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