東芝キヤリア社会・環境報告書 2014年

東芝キヤリアグループは、2009年度から国内の主要3拠点で生物多様性保全活動を展開してきました。国内最大の製造拠点である富士事業所では、「富士山こどもの国」の植樹や「富士山ブナ林創造事業」への参加を継続的に実施する一方、事業所内に設置したビオトープでメダカなどの絶滅危惧種を保護しています。また、自然豊かな津山事業所では、工場周辺にさまざまな生物が生息し、これまでに行った4回の生物調査で希少な生物が確認されました。掛川事業所では、遊休地に約2メガワット級の太陽光システムを設置し、700世帯以上に相当する電力を創成しています。この建設にあたっては十分な生物調査を実施し、自然との共生を図っています。自然を恵みとし、観察保護しながら各事業所が生物多様性保全に適した活動を実施することで、地球で事業を営む企業として、自然と調和した企業活動を推進します。 東芝キヤリアグループは、企業活動を通じて少しでも地域の皆さまに活力をお届けしたいと考えています。例えば、地域の小学生が当社の環境活動に興味をもち、そのうえで身近な環境の保全を考える機会として、毎年夏に大学生との協働イベントを開催しています。今年度は、掛川事業所での「環境絵日記づくり」を企画しました。 また、当社の企業活動では、開発、設計、調達、製造、販売、サービスすべての段階において環境負荷を最小限にすることを目標としています。そのため、お客さまはもちろん、調達取引先さまや販売店さまなど、多くの皆さまにご協力をいただいています。今後もグループ全員が一丸となって、より良い環境調和型製品を提供し続けていきます。October, 2014Since October 2013, Toshiba Group consists of five business segments. As a member of the Community Solutions segment, Toshiba Carrier Group manufactures and sells air conditioners, water heaters and other equipment and provides related services worldwide.Toshiba Carrier Group offers heat pumps and other products that contribute to society and the global environmental conservation.Since the Great East Japan Earthquake, it has become increasingly important to reduce CO2 emissions. While optimizing the energy structure is essential, energy consumers should also do their part to use limited energy more efficiently. Toshiba Carrier Group considers that our mission is not only to provide efficient and comfortable air-conditioning solutions but also to help reduce CO2 emissions in all sectors in which energy is used, including manufacturing and agriculture and so on. We are endeavoring to fulfill diverse customer needs and expand its community solutions business worldwide in order to contribute to society and the global environmental conservation.Toshiba Carrier Group aims to increase the sales of “Excellent ECPs” manufactured with minimal environmental impact.Toshiba Carrier Group has continually released many one-of-a-kind products and those which provide world’s highest environmental performance. Certified by Toshiba as “Excellent Environmentally Conscious Products (ECPs),” these products deliver outstanding solutions for global warming, efficient use of natural resources, and management of hazardous chemical substances. Furthermore, we are also committed to minimizing environmental impact produced from our manufacturing activities, both in and outside of Japan. We will continue to deliver “Excellent ECPs” targeting Japanese market as well as those tailored to local needs and preferences around the world in order to contribute to reducing global environmental impact.Toshiba Carrier Group conducts business operations harmonized with nature by the biodiversity conservation.Since 2009, three factories of Toshiba Carrier Group have been engaged in biodiversity conservation activities. At the Fuji Operation Center, our largest manufacturing base in Japan, we participate in local tree-planting events every year and preserve medaka and other endangered species at a biotope within its premises. The Tsuyama Operation Center is richly endowed with nature, surrounded by forests that abound with various forms of life forming biotopes; rare species have been found as a result of a bioassessment. The Kakegawa Operation Center conducted a thorough bioassessment before installing a solar power system with approximately 2-MW output within its premises. We will continually observe the natural environment in order to preserve the blessings of nature. At all our operation centers, we will value biodiversity in conducting business and work in harmony with nature. This is a grave responsibility for a corporation based on the Earth.Toshiba Carrier Group keeps on producing ECPs with extending ring of the environmental activities in the local society.Toshiba Carrier Group wishes to send vitality to local people through our business operations. In 2014, we cooperate at local university to hold “the picture diary event” for elementary school children at Kakegawa Operatin. On the other hand, we make minimize of environmental loads producing our products at all the stage. We also wish to solicit cooperation from all people who are involved in all stages of our business activities and join forces with them to bring better ECP and services to those who need them.生物多様性保全を通じて、自然と調和した企業活動を推進します地域社会に環境活動の輪を広げるとともに、環境調和型製品の提供を継続しますCommitted to the environment, we aim to expand our community solutions business worldwide作为环境创造企业在全球拓展社区解决方案事业2014年10月ン事業をグローバルに発展させていきます2東芝キヤリアグループ 社会・環境報告書 2014

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